Things have been fairly quiet for the last year or so (for the obvious reason). Venues are quiet, empty, and closed. Meeting with friends to make music is a thing of the past and, hopefully, not-too-distant future. But I'm trying to prepare things behind the scenes to hit the ground running when life returns to relative normality.
The main project for the rest of this year will be a bit of a retrospective, looking back to the Here's The Steeple debut album High Hopes. Fran Wheeldon and I put so much work and love into this album. We recorded 16 different musicians in front rooms, forgotten spaces, and blanket forts, with equipment that we begged and borrowed. We were aided and supported by an army of Huddersfield musicians and we created something we're still incredibly proud of.
At the album launch in January 2019, I played with a chamber orchestra of friends and family, to a packed out room in a venue that holds so many memories for me. It was one of the best nights of my life.
However, my knowledge of music promotion has never been what it could be, and we felt things fizzle after the launch. The band and I have decided to revisit High Hopes to give it the push it deserved. Over the next few months, Here's The Steeple will be promoting singles from the album, and following this with a new EP later in the year. If you were there the first time around, I hope you'll join us in revisiting the fun we had. If you're new, I hope we're able to recreate the atmosphere we had in the lead to the launch and the event itself.
See you soon.